Essay on Corruption

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Corruption Essay – Essay on Corruption for Students and Children , Corruption in india

Introduction : Corruption is a worldwide event. It includes illegal gratification , bribe or hush money , adulteration , profiteering , smuggling , misuse or abuse of power , favouritism , etc. There is corruption in every department or field of life of India. 

What is Corruption – Essay on Corruption

Corruption meaning : the misuse of entrusted power to private gain. 

It like cancer is eating into the vitals of our society and nation destroying its moral structure . It had ruined our economy. Whom ever we deal with an official , a trader , a politician , a minister , a labourer is corrupt in one form or the other . There is corruption from the highest range of the ladder to the lowest. 

Corrupt in Trade : Our community traders is most corrupted. They sell things in black-market and fleece the poor and the rich alike. Spurious things are sold as genuine ones. Our Shopkeepers give short measures. All these people are antisocial. 

Corruption in government officers : Our government machinery in thoroughly corrupt and dishonest. It is impossible to come across an honest officials . No work in any government office can be got done without a bribe to some official. 

Corruption in Politics : Politics in India has become a dirty game of corruption. Politicians are financed lakhs of rupees by big business houses. They change sides or defect from one party to the other for selfish ends. They are power hungry. 

Types of Corruption – Essay on Corruption

Bribery : Rewards in cash / kind given to change the judgment or corrupt the conduct or influence decision – making.

Embezzlement : This involves theft of resources by persons entrusted with the authority and control of such resources. 

Abuse of power : This involves a public officer using his / her vested authority to improperly benefit another public officer or entity or person. Note : Public officer is any officer who renders service to the public. 

Conflict of Interest : Acquiring a position or commercial interest that is incompatible with one’s official role and duties for the purpose of illegal enrichment e.g. awarding a tender to a company in which you have interest without declaring such interest and recusing yourself from the process.

Conflict of Interest : may be seen as corruption if not disclosed. Often there is a debate on whether gifts may be forms of corruption or not. The debate is based on our traditional values. 

Fraud : Behavior that involve irregularities such as false statements , evasion , manipulation of information and other illegal acts characterized by intentional deception.

Favoritism and nepotism : This is the assignment of appointments , services or resources according family ties , party affiliation , tribe , religion , and other preferential groupings. 

Inside trading : Involves the use of information secured during the course of duty for personal gain.

Reasons for Corruption : The chief reasons for this widespread corruption in our country is lack of nation character. Everybody wants to make easy and quick money. People wish to become rich overnight. 

Causes of Corruption : Causes of corruption are many and complex . Following are some of the main causes of corruption :- 

  • Low levels of education 
  • Poverty 
  • Political instability
  • Greed of money 
  • Tolerance of people towards corruption 

Ways to Stop Corruption – Essay on Corruption

  • Stringent punishment for offenders 
  • Public and Media Participation 
  • Usage of Technology and Artificial Intelligence 
  • Fast Track Courts to Resolve Corruption Cases 
  • Incentives for good officers 
  • Strong Public Forums and Laws 
  • Economic Development 

Corruption laws in India – Essay on Corruption

Public servants in India can be penalized for corruption under the Indian Penal Code, 1860 and the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. The Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act, 1988 prohibits benami transactions. The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 penalises public servants for the offence of money laundering. India is also a signatory (not ratified) to the UN Convention against Corruption since 2005. The Convention covers a wide range of acts of corruption and also proposes certain preventive policies. 

Conclusion Essay on Corruption

Conclusion : Strict action should be taken against dishonest and corrupt officials. We must create social awareness against the widespread corruption in our society or else our country would perish.

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