Sociology Class 12 chapter 6 questions and answers Globalisation and Social Change

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Ncert Solutions for Class 12 Sociology Chapter 6: Globalisation and Social Change questions and answers

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Question 1: Choose any topic that is of interest to you and discuss how you think globalisation has affected it. You could choose cinema, work, marriage or any other topic.

Answer 1: 1. The effect of globalization on cinema is far reaching. It affects us, on culture, our modes of behaviour, mode of thinking, etc. but affects us differently while for , some it may mean new pattern and opportunities of culture, music, dance, etc. but for others the challenge for their own style of music for identity of culture, for own dance, etc.

2. Advancement in IT (Information Technology), photography, musical instrument, cameras etc. had definitely positive effects on cinema due to globalization. It has opened more wider and larger markets for film producers and even for people to enjoy more films of their own choices and likings.

3. Sociology studies the social or cultural consequences of globalization. With the opening up of the market and removal of restrictions to the import of many products we have many more products from different comers of the world in our neighbourhood shops. The dramatic changes in the media (including cinema) are perhaps the most visible effect of globalization. Some of the Indian film producers, directors, actors and so on are being welcome in other countries and regions or film industries of the world. Similarly several foreign film-makers, directors, heroes and heroines are being called and welcomed by different countries and film industries.

4. Children films, cartoon films, comedies, social and love films are produced in several languages side by side. Film festivals and film promotion shows are being screened in different countries.

5.Music, dance forms, styles of presentations, natural and other scenes, filmy sets are mutually exchanged and are impressing minds of the concerned people of the film industry on universal level.

Question 2: What are the distinctive features of a globalised economy? Discuss.

Answer 2: A globalizеd еconomy is charactеrizеd by sеvеral distinctivе fеaturеs:

a) Frее Flow of Goods and Sеrvicеs: Globalization еnablеs thе sеamlеss movеmеnt of goods and sеrvicеs across bordеrs, facilitatеd by rеducеd tradе barriеrs and agrееmеnts likе WTO. 

b) Multinational Corporations (MNCs): Largе multinational corporations opеratе across multiplе countriеs, controlling significant portions of thе global еconomy. Thеy oftеn havе complеx supply chains and global production nеtworks. 

c) Intеrconnеctеd Financial Markеts: Financial markеts arе intеrconnеctеd globally, allowing capital to flow еasily across bordеrs. Stock markеts, currеncy markеts, and invеstmеnts arе now intеrtwinеd. 

d) Outsourcing and Offshoring: Companiеs oftеn outsourcе non-corе functions and production procеssеs to countriеs with lowеr labor costs, lеading to thе globalization of work. 

е) Global Supply Chains: Products arе manufacturеd using componеnts and matеrials from various countriеs, rеflеcting thе global supply chain phеnomеnon. 

f) Tеchnological Advancеmеnts: Thе digital rеvolution and intеrnеt connеctivity havе facilitatеd global communication and е-commеrcе, еnabling businеssеs to opеratе globally. 

g) Incrеasеd Compеtition: Globalization intеnsifiеs compеtition among businеssеs, pushing thеm to innovatе, cut costs, and adapt to changing markеt dynamics. 

h) Incomе Inеquality: Whilе globalization can lеad to еconomic growth, it can also еxacеrbatе incomе inеquality within and bеtwееn countriеs. 

i) Cultural Exchangе: Thе global еconomy еncouragеs thе еxchangе of idеas, culturе, and lifеstylе products, lеading to cultural convеrgеncе and hybridization. 

Question 3: Briefly discuss the impact of globalisation on culture.

Answer 3: Globalization has had a profound impact on culture, influencing societies worldwide in both positive and negative ways. Here are some key points:

Positive Impacts:

  1. Cultural Exchange: Globalization has facilitated the exchange of cultural ideas, traditions, and practices, enriching societies with diverse perspectives.
  2. Access to Global Arts: People can easily access music, movies, literature, and art from around the world, fostering appreciation for different cultures.
  3. Global Awareness: Exposure to diverse cultures promotes understanding and tolerance, reducing cultural isolation.
  4. Preservation of Traditions: Global platforms have enabled the revival and sharing of traditional practices and languages, preserving them for future generations.

Negative Impacts:

  1. Cultural Homogenization: Dominant cultures, particularly Western ones, often overshadow local traditions, leading to loss of cultural uniqueness.
  2. Erosion of Indigenous Practices: Smaller or indigenous cultures may struggle to maintain their identity in the face of global influences.
  3. Consumer Culture: The spread of global brands and consumerism often dilutes local customs and practices.
  4. Language Loss: Globalization accelerates the decline of minority languages as global languages like English dominate.

Question 4: . What is glocalisation? Is it simply a market strategy adopted by multinational companies or is genuine cultural synthesis taking place? Discuss.

Answer 4: Globalisation refers to the integration of global economics, industries, markets, culture and policies making around the world free from socio-political control and reduces distances between regions/countries through a global network of trade, communication, immigration, and transportation.

Market strategy: Globalisation can be seen as a market strategy adopted by multinational companies to expand their operations into foreign markets. This can involve foreign direct investment, global sourcing, and offshoring.

Cultural synthesis: Globalisation can also be seen as a process of cultural synthesis, where global and local elements converge. This can lead to the spread of great ideas, scientific discoveries, and new forms of thinking. However, it can also lead to the homogenization of cultures, where local traditions and values are superseded by foreign ones.

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