opposite words , opposite words in english , opposite words a to z
If you want to know about opposite words, then you will get to know about opposite words in English in this blog. You will get opposite words a to z.
What is opposite words?
Definition of opposite word :- A word which expresses the opposite meaning of another word is called an opposite words.
In which case the two words are antonyms of each other; “to him the antonym of `day‘ was `night’.
Why should we learn the opposite word?
Learning Opposite words expands the kids vocabulary, builds comprehension skills and their intelligence and also help to describe things.
opposite words for class 1
Words | Opposite Words |
start | finish |
many | few |
skinny | fat |
import | export |
cheap | expensive |
entrance | exit |
awful | excellent |
ally | enemy |
full | empty |
hard | easy |
difficult | easy |
shiny | dull |
wet | dry |
humid | dry |
up | down |
unity | division |
honest | dishonest |
victory | defeat |
night | day |
light | dark |
laugh | cry |
kind | cruel |
blank | completed |
hot | cold |
sunny | cloudy |
open | closed |
dim | bright |
man | woman |
rich | wealthy |
poverty | wealth |
powerful | weak |
peace | war |
useful | useless |
pretty | ugly |
thick | thin |
give | take |
normal | strange |
sweet | sour |
liquid | solid |
fast | slow |
married | single |
arrest | free |
clever | foolish |
remember | forget |
special | general |
boy | girl |
bad | good |
love | hate |
visitor | host |
tiny | huge |
visible | invisible |
early | late |
more | less |
truth | lie |
heavy | light |
brief | long |
tight | loose |
single | married |
major | minor |
wide | narrow |
far | near |
messy | neat |
even | odd |
on | off |
closed | open |
in | out |
inside | outside |
fancy | plain |
rude | polite |
rich | poor |
ask | reply |
left | right |
happy | sad |
opposite | same |
regret | satisfaction |
junior | senior |
together | separate |
funny | serious |
deep | shallow |
long | short |
tall | short |
healthy | sick |
opposite words for class 2
Words | Opposite Words |
young | old |
useless | useful |
thick | thin |
near | distant |
hungry | thirsty |
forbid | allow |
follow | lead |
flat | hilly |
dead | alive |
catch | miss |
asleep | awake |
work | rest |
vacant | occupied |
there | here |
sad | happy |
present | past |
loser | winner |
defeat | victory |
death | birth |
ceiling | floor |
busy | lazy |
bore | amuse |
slim | fat |
miss | hit |
miss | catch |
ignore | notice |
go | come |
humid | dry |
harvest | plant |
give | take |
deep | shallow |
arrest | free |
about | exactly |
women | men |
satisfy | annoy |
private | public |
nephew | niece |
moon | sun |
in front of | back |
compliment | insult |
careful | careless |
ascent | descent |
arrival | departure |
already | not yet |
yes | no |
whole | part |
victory | defeat |
occupied | vacant |
lose | win |
ill | healthy |
husband | wife |
fix | break |
defend | attack |
thin | thick |
satisfaction | regret |
safe | dangerous |
loud | quiet |
for | against |
empty | full |
buy | sell |
wide | narrow |
valley | mountain |
comedy | drama |
careless | careful |
arrive | depart |
winter | summer |
same | different |
safety | danger |
odd | even |
new | ancient |
never | always |
girl | boy |
day | night |
body | soul |
attack | defend |
ask | answer |
argue | agree |
moon | sun |
opposite words for class 3
Words | Opposite Words |
visible | invisible |
top | bottom |
sweet | sour |
skinny | fat |
rich | poor |
peace | war |
natural | artificial |
man | woman |
light | dark |
inside | outside |
heavy | light |
full | empty |
employed | unemployed |
clever | foolish |
before | after |
ally | enemy |
victory | defeat |
together | separate |
single | married |
remember | forget |
opposite | same |
more | less |
major | minor |
left | right |
in | out |
healthy | sick |
sunny | cloudy |
sharp | blunt |
pretty | ugly |
on | off |
messy | neat |
long | short |
kind | cruel |
humid | dry |
happy | sad |
fancy | plain |
difficult | easy |
brief | long |
awake | asleep |
wet | dry |
unity | division |
thick | thin |
start | finish |
rude | polite |
powerful | weak |
normal | strange |
married | single |
little | big |
junior | senior |
hot | cold |
give | take |
even | odd |
deep | shallow |
occupied | vacant |
lose | win |
ill | healthy |
husband | wife |
fix | break |
defend | attack |
humid | dry |
harvest | plant |
give | take |
deep | shallow |
arrest | free |
about | exactly |
women | men |
satisfy | annoy |
private | public |
nephew | niece |
moon | sun |
in front of | back |
floor | ceiling |
compliment | insult |
careful | careless |
ascent | descent |
arrival | departure |
already | not yet |
yes | no |
whole | part |
victory | defeat |
opposite words for class 5
Words | Opposite Words |
man | woman |
rich | wealthy |
poverty | wealth |
powerful | weak |
peace | war |
useful | useless |
pretty | ugly |
thick | thin |
give | take |
normal | strange |
sweet | sour |
liquid | solid |
fast | slow |
married | single |
healthy | sick |
tall | short |
long | short |
deep | shallow |
funny | serious |
together | separate |
junior | senior |
regret | satisfaction |
opposite | same |
happy | sad |
left | right |
ask | reply |
rich | poor |
rude | polite |
fancy | plain |
inside | outside |
in | out |
closed | open |
on | off |
even | odd |
messy | neat |
far | near |
wide | narrow |
major | minor |
single | married |
tight | loose |
brief | long |
heavy | light |
truth | lie |
more | less |
early | late |
visible | invisible |
tiny | huge |
visitor | host |
love | hate |
bad | good |
boy | girl |
special | general |
remember | forget |
clever | foolish |
start | finish |
many | few |
skinny | fat |
import | export |
cheap | expensive |
entrance | exit |
awful | excellent |
ally | enemy |
full | empty |
hard | easy |
difficult | easy |
shiny | dull |
wet | dry |
humid | dry |
up | down |
unity | division |
honest | dishonest |
victory | defeat |
night | day |
light | dark |
laugh | cry |
kind | cruel |
blank | completed |
hot | cold |
sunny | cloudy |
open | closed |
dim | bright |
opposite words a to z
opposite words starting letter with A
Words | Opposite Words |
absent | present |
abundant | scarce |
accept | decline, refuse |
accurate | inaccurate |
admit | deny |
advantage | disadvantage |
against | for |
agree | disagree |
alive | dead |
all | none, nothing |
ally | enemy |
always | never |
ancient | modern |
answer | question |
antonym | synonym |
apart | together |
appear | disappear, vanish |
approve | disapprove |
arrive | depart |
artificial | natural |
ascend | descend |
attic | cellar |
attractive | repulsive |
awake | asleep |
Active | Lazy |
Advanced | Elementary |
Afraid | Brave |
After | Before |
Alike | Different |
Amateur | Professional |
Amuse | Bore |
Angel | Devil |
Animal | Human |
Annoy | Satisfy |
Approximately | Exactly |
Arrest | Free |
Arrival | Departure |
Artificial | Natural |
Attack | Defend |
Autumn | Spring |
Awful | Nice |
opposite words starting letter with B
Words | Opposite Words |
backward | forward |
bad | good |
beautiful | ugly |
before | after |
begin | end |
below | above |
bent | straight |
best | worst |
better | worse, worst |
big | little, small |
black | white |
blame | praise |
bless | curse |
bitter | sweet |
borrow | lend |
bottom | top |
boy | girl |
brave | cowardly |
build | destroy |
bold | meek, timid |
borrow | lend |
bound | unbound, free |
boundless | limited |
bright | dim, dull |
brighten | fade |
broad | narrow |
Background | Foreground |
Beauty | Ugliness |
Birth | Death |
Blunt | Sharp |
Brother | Sister |
Busy | Lazy |
Buy | Sell |
opposite words starting letter with C
Words | Opposite Words |
calm | windy, troubled |
can | cannot, can’t |
capable | incapable |
captive | free |
careful | careless |
cheap | expensive |
cheerful | sad, discouraged, dreary |
clear | cloudy, opaque |
clever | stupid |
clockwise | counterclockwise |
close | far, distant |
closed | ajar, open |
clumsy | graceful |
cold | hot |
combine | separate |
come | go |
comfort | discomfort |
common | rare |
conceal | reveal |
contract | expand |
cool | warm |
correct | incorrect, wrong |
courage | cowardice |
create | destroy |
crooked | straight |
cruel | kind |
compulsory | voluntary |
courteous | discourteous, rude |
Ceiling | Floor |
Cellar | Attic |
Certainly | Probably |
Changeable | Constant |
Child | Adult |
Children | Parent |
Clean | Dirty |
Clod | Heat |
Complicated | Simple |
Connect | Separate |
Construction | Destruction |
opposite words starting letter with D
Words | Opposite Words |
dangerous | safe |
dark | light |
day | night |
daytime | nighttime |
dead | alive |
decline | accept, increase |
decrease | increase |
deep | shallow |
definite | indefinite |
demand | supply |
despair | hope |
dim | bright |
disappear | appear |
discourage | encourage |
diseased | healthy |
down | up |
downwards | upwards |
dreary | cheerful |
dry | moist, wet |
dull | bright, shiny |
dusk | dawn |
Damage | Repair |
Daughter | Son |
Dawn | Dusk |
Defeat | Victory |
Defend | Attack |
Defense | Attack |
Delicious | Awful |
Deny | Admit |
Depart | Arrive |
Departure | Arrival |
Descent | Ascent |
Desperate | Hopeful |
Destroy | Build |
Devil | Angel |
Dictatorship | Republic |
Different | Alike |
Difficult | Easy |
Dirty | Clean |
Distant | Near |
Division | Unity |
Divorce | Marry |
Domestic | Foreign |
Downstairs | Upstairs |
opposite words starting letter with E
Words | Opposite Words |
Early | Late |
East | West |
Easy | hard, difficult |
Elementary | Advanced |
Emigrate | Immigrate |
Emigration | Immigration |
Empty | Full |
End | Begin, start |
Enemy | Friend |
Enjoy | Hate |
Enter | Leave |
Even | Odd |
Everybody | Nobody |
Everything | Nothing |
Exactly | Approximately |
Exciting | Boring |
Exclude | Include |
Expensive | Cheap |
Export | Import |
Exposure | Shelter |
Extreme | Moderate |
encourage | discourage |
exterior | interior |
external | internal |
opposite words starting letter with F
Words | Opposite Words |
fade | brighten |
fail | succeed |
false | true |
famous | unknown |
far | near |
fast | slow |
fat | thin |
feeble | strong, powerful |
few | many |
find | lose |
first | last |
float | sink |
foolish | wise |
fore | aft |
free | bound, captive |
fold | unfold |
forget | remember |
found | lost |
fresh | stale |
frequent | seldom |
friend | enemy |
for | against |
fortunate | unfortunate |
full | empty |
Final | First |
Finish | Begin |
Finish | Start |
Fix | Fix |
Foreground | Background |
Foreign | Domestic |
Foreigner | Native |
Form | Destroy |
Fortune | Bad Luck |
Freeze | Melt |
Frequently | Occasionally |
Future | Past |
opposite words starting letter with G
Words | Opposite Words |
generous | stingy |
gentle | rough |
get | give |
giant | tiny, small, dwarf |
girl | boy |
give | receive, take |
glad | sad, sorry |
gloomy | cheerful |
go | stop |
good | bad, evil |
grant | refuse |
great | tiny, small, unimportant |
grow | shrink |
guest | host |
guilty | innocent |
General | Particular |
opposite words starting letter with H
Words | Opposite Words |
happy | sad |
hard | easy |
hard | soft |
harmful | harmless |
harsh | mild |
hate | love |
have | nots |
healthy | diseased, ill, sick |
heaven | hell |
heavy | light |
help | hinder |
here | there |
hero | coward |
high | low |
hill | valley |
hinder | help |
honest | dishonest |
horizontal | vertical |
hot | cold |
humble | proud |
Happiness | Sadness |
Hopeful | Desperate |
Hopeless | Hopeful |
Human | Animal |
Humane | Cruel |
opposite words starting letter with I
Words | Opposite Words |
ill | healthy, well |
immense | tiny, small |
important | trivial |
in | out |
include | exclude |
increase | decrease |
inferior | superior |
inhale | exhale |
inner | outer |
inside | outside |
intelligent | stupid, unintelligent |
interesting | boring |
interior | exterior |
interesting | dull, uninteresting |
internal | external |
intentional | accidental |
opposite words starting letter with J
Words | Opposite Words |
join | separate |
junior | senior |
just | unjust |
justice | injustice |
opposite words starting letter with K
Words | Opposite Words |
knowledge | ignorance |
known | unknown |
opposite words starting letter with L
Words | Opposite Words |
landlord | tenant |
large | small |
last | first |
laugh | cry |
lawful | unlawful, illegal |
lazy | industrious |
leader | follower |
left | right |
lend | borrow |
lengthen | shorten |
lenient | strict |
left | right |
less | more |
light | dark, heavy |
like | dislike, hate |
likely | unlikely |
limited | boundless |
little | big |
long | short |
loose | tight |
lose | find |
loss | win |
loud | quiet |
love | hate |
low | high |
loyal | disloyal |
opposite words starting letter with M
Words | Opposite Words |
mad | happy, sane |
major | minor |
many | few |
mature | immature |
maximum | minimum |
melt | freeze |
merry | sad |
messy | neat |
minor | major |
minority | majority |
miser | spendthrift |
misunderstand | understand |
more | less |
opposite words starting letter with N
Words | Opposite Words |
nadir | zenith |
narrow | wide |
near | far, distant |
neat | messy, untidy |
never | always |
new | old |
night | day |
nighttime | daytime |
no | yes |
noisy | quiet |
none | some |
north | south |
opposite words starting letter with O
Words | Opposite Words |
obedient | disobedient |
odd | even |
offer | refuse |
old | young |
old | new |
on | off |
open | closed, shut |
opposite | same, similar |
optimist | pessimist |
out | in |
outer | inner |
over | under |
opposite words starting letter with P
Words | Opposite Words |
past | present |
patient | impatient |
peace | war |
permanent | temporary |
plentiful | scarce |
plural | singular |
poetry | prose |
polite | rude, impolite |
possible | impossible |
poverty | wealth, riches |
powerful | weak |
pretty | ugly |
private | public |
prudent | imprudent |
pure | impure, contaminated |
push | pull |
opposite words starting letter with Q
Words | Opposite Words |
qualified | unqualified |
question | answer |
quiet | loud, noisy |
opposite words starting letter with R
Words | Opposite Words |
raise | lower |
rapid | slow |
rare | common |
regular | irregular |
real | fake |
rich | poor |
right | left, wrong |
right-side-up | upside-down |
rough | smooth |
rude | courteous |
opposite words starting letter with S
Words | Opposite Words |
safe | unsafe |
same | opposite |
satisfactory | unsatisfactory |
secure | insecure |
scatter | collect |
separate | join, together |
serious | trivial |
second-hand | new |
shallow | deep |
shrink | grow |
sick | healthy, ill |
simple | complex, hard |
singular | plural |
sink | float |
slim | fat, thick |
slow | fast |
sober | drunk |
soft | hard |
some | none |
sorrow | joy |
sour | sweet |
sow | reap |
straight | crooked |
start | finish |
stop | go |
strict | lenient |
strong | weak |
success | failure |
sunny | cloudy |
synonym | antonym |
sweet | sour |
opposite words starting letter with T
Words | Opposite Words |
take | give |
tall | short |
tame | wild |
them | us |
there | here |
thick | thin |
tight | Loose, slack |
tiny | big, huge |
together | apart |
top | bottom |
tough | easy, tender |
transparent | opaque |
true | false |
truth | flasehood, lie, untruth |
opposite words starting letter with U
Words | Opposite Words |
under | over |
unfold | fold |
unknown | known |
unqualified | qualified |
unsafe | safe |
up | down |
upside-down | right-side-up |
upstairs | downstairs |
us | them |
useful | useless |
opposite words starting letter with V
Words | Opposite Words |
vacant | occupied |
vanish | appear |
vast | tiny |
victory | defeat |
virtue | vice |
visible | invisible |
voluntary | compulsory |
opposite words starting letter with W
Words | Opposite Words |
war | peace |
wax | wane |
weak | strong |
white | black |
wide | narrow |
win | lose |
wisdom | folly, stupidity |
within | outside |
wrong | right |
wet | dry |
opposite words starting letter with Y
Words | Opposite Words |
yes | no |
yin | yang |
young | old |
opposite words starting letter with Z
Words | Opposite Words |
zip | unzip |
zenith | nadir |
opposite words list ( List of Antonyms )
- Above x below
- Absent x present
- Achieve x fail
- Add x subtract
- Afraid x confident
- After x before
- Amateur x professional
- Ancient x modern
- Argue x agree
- Arrive x depart
- Arrogant x humble
- Awake x asleep
- Attack x defend 5
- Ascent x descent
- Bad x good
- Beautiful x ugly
- Better x worse
- Before x after
- Big x little
- Birth x death
- Black x white
- Blunt x sharp
- Bold x timid
- Brave x coward
- Bright x dull
- Brief x long
- Busy x idle
- Buy x sell
- Cautious x careless
- Cheap x expensive
- Close x open
- Clean x dirty
- Cold x hot
- Complex x simple
- Complex x simple
- Complex x simple
- Crooked x straight
- Crazy x sane
- Cruel x kind
- Dark x light
- Day x night
- Deep x sallow
- Decrease x increase
- Demand x supply
- Destroy x create
- Divide x unite
- Down x up
- Drunk x sober
- East x west
- Easy x difficult
- End x begin
- Even x odd
- Evening x morning
- Expand x contract
- Fail x pass
- False x true
- Fat x skinny
- Fiction x fact
- Float x sink
- Follow x lead
- Foolish x wise
- Forgive x blame
- Full x empty
- Freeze x boil
- Generous x stingy
- Gentle x rough
- Giant x dwarf
- Give x receive
- Gloomy x cheerful
- Grief x joy
- Guilty x innocent
- Happy x sad
- Hard x soft
- Heaven x hell
- Heavy x light
- High x low
- Huge x tiny
- Idle x active
- In x out
- Include x exclude
- Individual x group
- Innocent x guilty
- Inside x outside
- Joy x sadness
- Kind x cruel
- Lie x truth
- Likely x unlikely
- Like x dislike
- Liquid x solid
- Lonely x crowded
- Loose x tight
- Long x short
- Lost x found
- Love x hate
- Major x minor
- Man x woman
- Marvelous x terrible
- Mature x immature
- Maximum x minimum
- Mix x separate
- Moist x dry
- More x less
- Most x least
- Move x stay
- Near x far
- Never x always
- New x old
- Noisy x quiet
- None x all
- North x south
- Nothing x something
- Now x then
- Obvious x hidden
- Odd x even
- Often x seldom
- Old x young
- On x off
- Optimist x pessimist
- Ordinary x extraordinary
- Over x under
- Pain x pleasure
- Panic x calm
- Partial x complete
- Passive x active
- Peace x war
- Permanent x unstable
- Play x work
- Polite x rude
- Poor x rich
- Positive x negative
- Powerful x weak 1
- Praise x criticism
- Pride x modesty
- Private x public
- Problem x solution
- Profit x lose
- Quick x slow
- Raw x cooked
- Regret x rejoice
- Right x wrong
- Remember x forget
- Rigid x flexible
- Rough x smooth
- Rise x sink
- Rude x polite
- Same x different
- Seldom x often
- Sell x buy
- Send x receive
- Shame x honor
- Short x long
- Show x hide
- Sour x sweet
- Single x married
- Spend x earn
- Start x stop
- Started x finished
- Stay x leave
- Stiff x flexible
- Stop x go
- Strength x weakness
- Strong x weak
- Student x teacher
- Sturdy x weak
- Sunny x cloudy
- Superior x inferior
- Tame x wild
- Teach x learn
- Temporary x permanent
- Timid x bold
- Thick x thin
- Together x apart
- Top x bottom
- Toward x away
- Tragic x comic
- Triumph x defeat
- True x false
- Union x separation
- Unique x common
- Vacant x occupied
- Vague x definite
- Vertical x horizontal
- Victory x defeat
- Villain x hero
- Visible x invisible
- Wax x wane