Ncert Solutions for Class 12 Sociology Chapter 3: The Constitution and Social Change questions and answers
Textbook | Ncert |
Class | Class 12 |
Subject | Sociology |
Chapter | Chapter 3 |
Chapter Name | The Constitution and Social Change ncert solutions |
Category | Ncert Solutions |
Medium | English |
Are you looking for Sociology Class 12 chapter 3 questions and answers? Now you can download The Constitution and Social Change questions and answers pdf from here.
Question 1: Have you heard of Bal Panchayats and Mazdoor Kissan Sanghathan? If not, find out and write a note about them in about 200 words.
Answer 1: Bal Panchayats and Mazdoor Kissan Sanghathan
Bal Panchayats are children’s councils or platforms where young people come together to voice their opinions, participate in decision-making processes, and actively engage in community development. These councils aim to empower children by providing them with a sense of responsibility and involvement in societal matters. The idea behind Bal Panchayats is to encourage leadership, democracy, and a sense of social responsibility at a young age. These bodies typically address issues such as child rights, education, and safety, working closely with local governments and NGOs to advocate for better opportunities and conditions for children.
Mazdoor Kissan Sanghathan (MKS) is an organization dedicated to the welfare of workers and farmers, particularly those from marginalized sections of society. MKS seeks to organize and unite workers and farmers to address issues related to labor rights, land reforms, fair wages, and access to resources. The movement often works towards political and social empowerment, aiming to ensure that the voices of the working class and rural farmers are heard and respected. Through collective action, MKS advocates for better living and working conditions, focusing on social justice, land ownership, and economic equality for its members.
Question 2: The 73rd amendment has been monumental in bringing a voice to the people in the villages. Discuss.
Answer 2: The 73rd amendment has been monumental in bringing a voice to the people in the villages because this amendment is related to the directive principles of the state policy and panchayati raj.
The amendment is based on the principle of power of the people and provides . constitutional guarantee to the Panchayats.
Main features of the Act :-
- Recognition to Panchayats, as institutions of self government.
- Panchayat’s power and responsibilities to prepare a plan for economic development and social justice.
- Establishment of uniform 3 tier system of strong Panchayats at village, block and district levels for all states having a population of over 20 lakhs.
- The Act provides guidelines for the structure powers and functions, finance and elections and reservation of seats for the weaker sections of the given area.
Importance of the Act :-
- Because of this act Panchayati Raj System at grassroot level became a reality.
- It was a revolutionary step towards establishing grassroot democracy.
- All the states have passed legislation on the basis of guidelines and provision of the amendments.
Question 3: Write an essay on the ways that the Indian Constitution touches peoples’ everyday life, drawing upon different examples.
Answer 3: Thе Indian Constitution profoundly influеncеs thе daily livеs of its citizеns. For instancе, it guarantееs fundamеntal rights likе thе right to еquality, libеrty, and frееdom of spееch, which protеct individual frееdoms. Thе Right to Education Act еnsurеs accеss to quality еducation for all.
Morеovеr, rеsеrvation policiеs basеd on castе and gеndеr in еducation and еmploymеnt aim to uplift historically disadvantagеd communitiеs. Thе Dirеctivе Principlеs of Statе Policy guidе thе govеrnmеnt in implеmеnting wеlfarе schеmеs, such as food sеcurity programs and hеalthcarе initiativеs, improving pеoplе’s quality of lifе.
Thе Constitution also influеncеs criminal justicе through fair trial and duе procеss. Additionally, it plays a rolе in еnvironmеntal protеction, as sееn in rеgulations on pollution control and consеrvation еfforts.
Question 4: What is the significance of political parties in a democracy?
Answer 4: Significance of political parties in a democracy:
- (i) In a democratic form of government political parties are key actors.
- (ii) A political party may be defined as an organisation oriented towards achieving legitimate control of government through an electoral process.
- (iii) Political Party is an organisation established with the aim of achieving governmental power and using that power to pursue a specific programme.
- (iv) Political parties are based on certain understanding of society and how it ought to be.
- (v) In a democratic system the interests of different groups are also represented by political parties, who take up their case.
Question 5: How are pressure groups formed?
Answer 5: Prеssurе groups arе formеd by individuals or organizations with sharеd intеrеsts or concеrns. Thеy comе togеthеr to influеncе public policy and dеcision-making. Common factors that lеad to thе formation of prеssurе groups includе:
- Common Goals: Individuals with similar goals and intеrеsts unitе to havе a strongеr voicе.
- Issuе-Basеd: Thеy focus on spеcific issuеs, such as еnvironmеntal protеction, labor rights, or gеndеr еquality.
- Advocacy: Thеy еngagе in advocacy and lobbying to influеncе govеrnmеnt policiеs or corporatе dеcisions.
- Mеmbеrship: Pеoplе join voluntarily, oftеn paying mеmbеrship fееs.
Question 6: What is the role of interest groups in a democratic system?
Answer 6: In a democratic system, interest groups play a significant role in representing the concerns and needs of various segments of society. These groups, which can include organizations, associations, or movements, aim to influence public policy and decision-making processes in a way that benefits their members or causes. The primary roles of interest groups in a democracy are as follows:
1. Representation of Interests: Interest groups represent the views and demands of specific groups, such as workers, businesses, environmentalists, or consumers. They ensure that diverse interests are considered in policy-making, especially those that might otherwise be overlooked by elected officials.
2. Advocacy and Lobbying: Interest groups often engage in lobbying, where they attempt to influence government officials and lawmakers to enact laws or policies that favor their causes. They may use various tactics, such as meeting with lawmakers, providing expert testimony, or mobilizing public opinion.
3. Informing the Public and Government: They play an educational role by providing policymakers and the public with information on specific issues. This helps shape the debate and informs policy decisions based on facts, research, and expertise.
4. Promoting Political Participation: Interest groups can encourage political engagement by organizing campaigns, rallies, and petitions, motivating citizens to participate in the democratic process and advocating for changes that reflect their values.
5. Checks and Balances: By advocating for their interests, interest groups contribute to holding the government accountable and ensure that the policies reflect the broad spectrum of societal needs and concerns.