Vegetable Names – List of a Vegetables Name in Hindi and English with Picture , sabjiyon ke naam
What is a vegetable
Vegetables are parts of plants that are consumed by humans or other animals as food. It includes flowers, fruits, stems, leaves, roots, and seeds.
100 vegetables Name in Hindi and English with Picture , all vegetables name
10 vegetables name
Vegetables name in English | Vegetables name in Hindi | Vegetables Pictures |
Amaranth Leaves | चौलाई | |
Apple Gourd | टिंडा | |
Arrowroot | अरारोट | |
Artichoke | हाथी चक | |
Ash Gourd | पेठा | |
Asparagus | शतावरी | |
Avocado | एवोकाडो | |
Baby Corn | मक्का | |
Bamboo Shoot | बांश के कोपले | |
Broad Bean | सेम फली |
35 vegetables name
Vegetables name in English | Vegetables name in Hindi | Vegetables Pictures |
Beetroot | चुकंदर | |
Bitter Melon | करेला | |
Black Carrot | काली गाजर | |
Bottle Gourd | लौकी | |
Brinjal | बैंगन | |
Butterhead Green Leaf | सलाद पत्ता | |
Broccoli | हरी गोभी | |
Bok Choy | चाइनीज गोभी | |
Brussels Sprouts | बंदगोभी | |
Cabbage | पत्ता गोभी | |
Carrot | गाजर | |
Cauliflower | फूल गोभी | |
Celery | अजवायन | |
Chane ka Saag | चने का साग | |
Chayote | इस्कुस | |
Chilli | मिर्च | |
Cluster Beans | गवार फली | |
Colcassia | अरबी | |
Colocasia Leaves | अरबी के पत्ते | |
Coriander Leaf | हरा धनिया | |
Cucumber | खीरा | |
Cucumis Utilissimus | ककड़ी | |
Curry Leaf | कढ़ी पत्ता | |
Drumstick | मोरिंगा | |
Elephant Foot Yam | जिमीकंद | |
Dill/Fennel | हरा सौंफ | |
Fenugreek Leaf | हरी मेथी | |
Cluster fig | गूलर | |
French Beans | गवार फली | |
Garlic | लहसुन | |
Ginger | अदरक | |
Cordia dichotoma | लसोड़ा | |
Green Long Beans | बरबटी | |
Greens | सरसों पत्ता |
20 vegetables name
Vegetables name in English | Vegetables name in Hindi | Vegetables Pictures |
Hyacinth Beans | जलकुंभी सेम | |
Indian Water Chestnuts | सिंघाड़ा | |
Jackfruit | कटहल | |
Keri | कच्चा आम | |
Kidney Beans | राजमा | |
Kohlrabi | गांठ गोभी | |
Lady Finger | भिन्डी | |
Lemon | नींबू | |
Lettuce | सलाद पत्ता | |
Lotus Stem | कमल ककड़ी | |
Mahua | महुआ | |
Mouse Melon | कचरी | |
Mustard Greens | सरसों पत्ता | |
Natal Plum | करोंदा | |
Onion | प्याज | |
Oyster Mushroom | ढींगरी मशरूम | |
Pea | मटर | |
Pointed Gourd | परवल | |
Potato | आलू | |
Sweet Potato | शकर कन्द | |
Mint | पुदीना |
50 vegetables name
Vegetables name in English | Vegetables name in Hindi | Vegetables Pictures |
Pumpkin | कद्दू | |
Purslane | कुलफा | |
Radish | मूली | |
Radish Pods | सेंगरी की फली | |
Ram Karela | पहाड़ी करेला | |
Raw Banana | कच्चा केला | |
Raw banana flower | कच्चे केले का फूल | |
Raw Papaya | कच्चा पपीता | |
Red Cabbage | लाल पत्तागोभी | |
Ridged Gourd | तोरी | |
Runner Beans | सेम की फली | |
Simal | सेम्बल | |
Snake Gourd | चिचिण्डा | |
Spinach | पालक | |
Spine Gourd | ककोरा | |
Sponge Gourd | तुरई | |
Jute Flower | सनई का फूल | |
Samphire | सैम्फायर | |
Squash | कुकुरबिटा | |
Taro Root | कचालू | |
Tinda | टिंडा | |
Tomato | टमाटर | |
Turnip | शलजम | |
Water Spinach | कलमी शाक | |
White Eggplant | सफ़ेद बैगन | |
White Spinach | बथुआ | |
Fiddlehead Fern | लींगडा | |
Yellow Paprika | पीली शिमला मिर्च | |
Milky Mushroom | दूधिया मशरूम | |
Spring Onion | हरी प्याज |
Interesting Facts About Vegetables
Sweet Gold, Green, or Red Bell Peppers
The color of the pepper depends on the variety. Peppers have a mildly sweet, slightly spicy flavor. Sweet bell peppers are available year round. Sweet bell peppers are excellent sources of vitamin C and also provide vitamin A and potassium.
Broccoli is an excellent source of vitamin C and a good source of vitamin A. It is a cruciferous vegetable, part of the cabbage family. Eating cruciferous vegetables may reduce the risk of colon cancer. Broccoli contains very little sodium and fat and no cholesterol. Broccoli is crisp and crunchy and is very tasty cut up and served raw with a low-fat vegetable dip.
It looks like cauliflower dyed neon green. Broccoflower is a cross between cauliflower and broccoli. Broccoflower taste much like cauliflower when it’s raw, but sweeter and less pungent. When cooked, the results taste more like broccoli. Broccoflower has more vitamin C than oranges. It’s also high in folic acid that is important to the maintenance of red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body. Broccoflower is also higher in vitamin A than either broccoli or cauliflower.
Baby Carrots
Baby carrots are produced year round. Most baby carrots are grown in California. Because of their tiny size, they are very tender, sweet, and fun to eat all by themselves as a snack. Baby carrots provide a lot of vitamin A. They are also good sources of fiber and potassium
Turnips are available year round. Turnips are a good source of vitamin C and potassium. They can be eaten either raw or cooked, and have a crunchy delicate flavor.
Fresh leaf spinach is available throughout the year. The most nutritious way to serve spinach is raw in a salad, by itself, or with other mixed greens. Cooked spinach is often served as a side dish. Spinach is a rich source of iron, vitamin A, and vitamin C.
To eat Jicama, only the fibrous brownish peel must be removed. Jicama is often added raw to salads or prepared as strips, like carrots. A 3½ oz serving of Jicama provides 39 calories and about 25% of the RDA for vitamin C.
Pascal celery is the green type most people see in the grocery store. This type of celery lacks stringiness and is known for its distinct flavor. Most people enjoy raw celery because of its crunchiness. It is also tasty filled with peanut butter, cream cheese, or cheese spread. Celery is a good source of fiber, folic acid, potassium, and vitamin C. It is a very low-calorie snack.
History of vegetable ( Origin of vegetable )
Originally, vegetables were collected from the wild by hunter-gatherers and entered cultivation in several parts of the world, probably during the period 10,000 BC to 7,000 BC, when a new agricultural way of life developed. At first, plants which grew locally would have been cultivated, but as time went on, trade brought exotic crops from elsewhere to add to domestic types.
Types of Vegetables – सब्जियों के कितने प्रकार होते हैं?
- फूल वाली सब्जियाँ – FLOWER VEGETABLES
- फल वाली सब्जियाँ – FRUIT VEGETABLES
- बीजों वाली सब्जियां – SEED VEGETABLES
- तने वाली सब्जियां – STEMS VEGETABLES
- पत्तेदार सब्जियां – LEAFY VEGETABLES
- जड़ वाली सब्जियां – ROOT VEGETABLES
- beet
- onion
- carrot
- parsnip
- potato
- radish
- rutabaga
- sweet potato
- turnip
- broccoli
- celery
- rhubarb
- Asparagus
- lima beans
- peas
- corn
- pumpkin seeds
- banana
- berries
- pear
- plum
- pineapple
- eggplant
- cucumber
- grapes
- pumpkin
- lettuce
- parsley
- cabbage
- spinach
- collards
- cauliflower
- broccoli