Women Empowerment Essay

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1000+ Words Women Empowerment Essay

Women empowerment is a debatable subject . In the ancient Indian society women were adored and worshiped as goddesses . However in the middle age , the status of women got down to a great extent . Women are considered in the society only to perform duties like bring up children , caring every family member , and other household activities . There is old and traditional faith of people coming out for years that men are for thy field whereas women are only for the home . Now – a – days , women are breaking all the barriers of social issues and problems against them in the society .

What Does Empowerment Mean?

‘ Empowerment is the process of increasing the authority and responsibility of individuals or groups to make choies and to transtorm those choices in to desired actions and outcomes . ‘ 

Empowerment is not a technocratic goal it is a wholesale political commitment . Achieving it requires a long – term process in which all cultural , social , political and economic norms undergo fundamental change . It also requires an entirely new way of thinking in which the stereotyping of women and men no longer limits their choices , but gives way to a new philosophy that regards all people as essential agents of change that views development as a process of enlarging the choice of both genders , just not one .

What Does Women Empowerment Mean?

Women Empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual , political , social educational , gender or economics strength of individuals and communities of women.

The World bank says , ‘ Empowerment is the process of increasing the capacity of individuals or groups to make choices and to transform those choices into desired actions and outcomes ‘ . 

Women empowerment means emancipation of women from the vicious grips of social , economical , political , caste and gender – based discrimination . It means granting women the freedom to make life choices . Women empowerment does not mean ‘ deifying women ‘ rather it means replacing patriarchy with parity . 

Importance of women power

In the history of human development , woman has been as important as man . In fact , the status , employment and work performed by women in society is the indicator of a nation’s overall progress . Without the participation of women in national activities , the social , economic or political progress of a country will be stagnated . Women constitute half of the humanity , even contributing two – thirds of world’s work hours . She earns only one – third of the total income and owns less than one – tenth of the world’s resources .

Issues and Problems faced by Women 

  • Lack of Women Education 
  • Female infanticide 
  • Financial constraint 
  • Dowry 
  • Low mobility 
  • Low need for achievement 
  • Marriage in same caste and child marriage 
  • Social status 
  • Family responsibility

Some of the problems are mentioned and described below :- 

1. Selective abortion and female infanticide :-

It is the most common practice for years in India in which abortion of female fetus is performed in the womb of mother after the fetal sex determination and sex selective abortion by the medical professionals . 

2. Sexual harassment :-

It is the form of sexual exploitation of a girl child at home , streets , public places , transports , offices , etc by the family members , neighbors , friends or relatives . 

3. Dowry and Bride burning :-

It is another problem generally faced by women of low or middle class family during or after the marriage . Parents of boys demand a lot of money from the bride’s family to be rich in one time . Groom’s family perform bride burning in case of lack of fulfilled dowry demand . In 2005 , around 6787 dowry death cases were registered in India according to the Indian National Crime Bureau reports .

4. Disparity in education :-

The level of women education is less than men still in the modern age . Female illiteracy id higher in the rural areas . Where over 63 % or more women remain unlettered . 

5. Domestic violence :-

It is like endemic and widespread disease affects almost 70 % of Indian women according to the women and child development official . It is performed by the husband , relative or other family member . 

6. Child Marriages :- 

Early marriage of the girls by their parents in order to be escaped from dowry . It is highly practiced in the rural India . 

7. Inadequate Nutrition :- 

Inadequate nutrition in the childhood affects women in their later life especially women belonging to the lower middle class and poor families . 

8. Low status in the family :-

It is the abuse or violence against women . 

9. Women are considered as inferior to men :-

So they are not allowed to join military services . 

10. Status of widows :-

Widows are considered as worthless in the Indian society . They are treated poorly and forced to wear white clothes . 

Earlier women were facing problems like child marriage , sati pratha , pardapratha , restriction to widow remarriage , widows ‘ exploitation , devadasi system , etc. However , almost all the old traditional problems have been disappeared gradually from the society but given rise to other new issues . 

Women are continuously facing many problems even after having self – confidence , individuality , self – respect , personality , capacity , talent , and efficiency more than men . They are facing problems in their daily life even after they are given equal rights and opportunities like men by the Constitution of India .

Reasons for the empowerment of women

Today we have noticed different Acts and Schemes of the central government as well as state government to empower the women of India . But in India women are discriminated and marginalized at every level of the society whether it is social participation , political participation , economic participation , access to education , and also reproductive healthcare . Women are found to be economically very poor all over the India . A few women are engaged in services and other activities . So , they need economic power to stand on their own legs on per with men . 

Why Women Empowerment is Important ?  

  • Under – employed and unemployed.
  • Equally competent and intelligent.
  • Talented.
  • Overall development of society.
  • Economic Benefits.
  • Reduction in domestic violence.
  • Reduction in corruption.
  • National Development.

Women Empowerment in India

In India , the Ministry of Human Resource Development ( MHRD 1985 ) and the National Commission for Women ( NCW ) have been worked to safeguard the rights and legal entitlement of women . 

The 73rd & 74th Amendments ( 1993 ) to the constitution of India have provided some special powers to women that for reservation of seats ( 33 % ).

In India ” The New Panchayati Raj ” is the part of the effort to empower women at least at the village level . 

The government of India has ratified various international conventions and human rights instruments committing to secure equal rights to women .

The year of 2001 was observed as the year of women’s empowerment . During the year , a landmark document has been adopted , the National Policy for the empowerment of women . 

‘ For the beneficiaries of the women , the government has been adopted different schemes and programs i.e. the National Credit Fund for Women ( 1993 ) , Food and Nutrition Board ( FNB ) , Information and Mass Education ( IMF ) etc.

At the central and state levels too women are progressively making a difference . Today we have seen women chief ministers , women president , different political parties leader , well establish businessmen etc. 

The most notable amongst these are Mrs.protiva Devi Singh Patil , Shila Dexit , Mayawati , Sonia Gandhi , Binda karat , Nazma Heptulla , Indira Nuye ( pepsi – co ) , BJP leader Susma Soraj , railway minister Momta Benarji , ‘ Narmada Basao ‘ leader Medhapatekar , Indiand Iron Woman , EX – prime minister Idira Gandhi etc. 

Women are also involving in human development issues of child rearing , education , health , and gender parity .

Way to Achieve Women Empowerment  

  • Changes in women’s mobility and social interaction . 
  • Providing Education that builds a self image and self confidence among them & develops their ability to think . 
  • Changes in women’s control over resources , decision making . 
  • Promoting self employment through credits & training . 
  • Providing minimum needs like , nutrition , health , sanitation , lean , housing . 
  • Also the society should change the mentality of word women and encouraging women to develop herself . 

Low Related Women Empowerment 

  • The Maternity Benefit Act 1961.
  • The Dowry Prohibition Act , 1961.
  • Indecent Representation of Women ( Prohibition ) Act , 1986.
  • The Commission of Sati ( Prevention ) Act , 1987.
  • Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act , 2005.
  • Equal Remuneration Act 1976.
  • The Employees ‘ State Insurance Act , 1948. 
  • Relevant provisions of Code of Criminal Procedure , 1973.
  • Family Courts Act , 1984.
  • The Indian Succession Act , 1925.
  • The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971.
  • The Child Marriage Restraint Act , 1929.
  • The Hindu Marriage Act , 1955.
  • The Indian Divorce Act , 1969.

Scheme of Government for Women Empowerment

  • Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme.
  • One Stop Centre Scheme.
  • Women Helpline Scheme.
  • UJJAWALA : A Comprehensive Scheme for Prevention of trafficking and Rescue , Rehabilitation and Re – integration of Victims of Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation.
  • Working Women Hostel.
  • Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme For the Children of Working Mothers.
  • Ministry approves new projects under Ujjawala Scheme and continues existing projects.
  • SWADHAR Greh ( A Scheme for Women in Difficult Circumstances ).
  • Revision under IGMSY in Accordance with National Food Security Act , 2013 in XIIth Plan 
  • Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women ( STEP ).
  • Awardees of Stree Shakti Puruskar , 2014 & Awardees of Nari Shakti Puruskar.
  • Awardees of Rajya Mahila Samman & Zila Mahila Samman.
  • Archived Maternity Benefit Programme.
  • Mahila police Volunteers.
  • Mahila E – Haat.

Women Empowerment Essay Conclusion 

The Empowerment of women has become one of the most important concerns of 21st century not only at national level but also at the international level . Government initiatives alone would not be sufficient to achieve this goal . Society must take initiative to create a climate in which there is no gender discrimination and Women have full opportunities of Self decision making and participating in the Social , Political and Economic life of the Country with a sense of equality . To conclude , there is an urgent need for a sustained , comprehensive effort at all levels to attack this problem of gender bias from all sides in a focused manner.

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