Birds Name

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Birds Names

100 Birds Name in Hindi and English with Picture , all Birds Name , pakshiyon ke naam

10 birds name

10 Birds Name in English10 Birds Name in HindiBirds images

20 birds name

20 Birds Name in English20 Birds Name in HindiBirds images
Ravenकाला कौआ
Great Egretबगुला
Grey Partridgeतीतर
Larkभारव्दाज़ पक्षी
Blue jayनीलकंठ
Heronअंधा बगुला

5 birds name

5 Birds Name in English5 Birds Name in HindiBirds images
Indian Bush Larkअगीया
Painted Storkकठसारंग
Indian Robinकाली चिड़ी

50 birds name

50 Birds Name in English50 Birds Name in HindiBirds images
Black Drongoकोतवाल, भुजंग
Asian Koelकोयल
Chukar Partridgeचकोर
Crested Buntingचिरटा, पत्थर चिड़िया
Common Hawk-Cuckooपपीहा
Ashy Priniaफुत्की
Peregrine Falconशाहीन
Egyptian Vultureसफ़ेद गिद्ध, गोबर गिद्ध
Alexandrine Parakeetसिकंदर, पहाड़ी तोता
Black-Headed IBISकचाटोर
Eurasian Hobbyकश्मिरी मोरास्सानी, धूती
Macawएक प्रकार का तोता
Stork, Craneसारस
Kiwi birdकीवी (उड़ने वाला पक्षी नही है)
Greater Coucal, Crow Pheasantमहोख पंछी
Hoopoe Birdहुदहुद
Common Quailबटेर
Sonchiriyaसोन चिड़िया
Golden Orioleपीलक
Mandarin duckमंदारिन बत्तख
White-breasted Waterhenवन मुर्गी, जल मुर्गी
Turkeyपेरू पक्षी
Greylag Gooseकलहंस
Bluebirdनीली चिड़िया
Pelicanपेलिकन जलपक्षी
Loonजल पक्षी
waterhen babyवन मुर्गी का बच्चा
Angel birdएंजल पक्षी
Costa’s hummingbirdगुंजन पक्षी
Black necked storkकाला सारस
Chickमुर्गी का बच्चा

7 birds name

Birds Name in EnglishBirds Name in HindiBirds images
Grebeपनडुब्बी पक्षी
Yellow-Wattled Lapwingपिले-लटके हुए टीटी
Ganderनर हंस
Eiderसमुद्री बतख
Tercel bird / Male Falcoनर बाज

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Birds Name in English with Pictures

Little Grebe

This bird known as the dabchick and is the smallest member of the grebe family. It is commonly found in open bodies of water across most of its range. Characteristic habit of diving underwater and surfacing some distance away. Feeds on fish and aquatic invertebrate Can be spotted at Nehru zoological park and botanical gardens.

Little Cormorant

A medium size shallow water bird that swims under water with just the head and neck showing. It dries itself on the shore with outspread wings. Feeds on fishes. Can be spotted at Ameenpur lake.

Indian Pond Heron

A medium sized water bird that can be found even at small Ponds. This dull looking bird can be easily missed as it stealthily stalks frogs, fish and insects. Its bright white wings become very conspicuous when it takes to flight. Can be easily seen near water bodies with plants

Cattle Egret

White bird that is usually seen in small groups and following grazing cattle. They can be seen in open areas and grasslands close to water. The Cattle Egret feeds on a wide range of prey, particularly insects. This bird adorned with buff plumes in the breeding season. Grassy areas and outskirts of Hyderabad

Little Egret

A tall white water bird usually seen standing still by the shore As it looks for its aquatic prey. The black legs with yellow Feet are characteristic. During the breeding season the Plumes at the back of the head are prominent. Can be spotted at Ameenpur lake, Sanjeeviah park and lotus pond.

Grey Heron

It is a large bird, standing up to 100 cm seen at deeper and larger water-bodies. Its plumage is largely grey above, and off-white below. Adults have a white head with a broad black supercilium and slender crest, while immature have a dull grey head. It has a powerful, pinkish-yellow bill, which is brighter in breeding can be spotted at Ameenpur, Himayat sagar and Osman sagar.

Black-Crowned night Heron

This is a medium sized heron. They have a black crown and back with the remainder of the body white or grey, red eyes, and short yellow legs. During the day they rest in trees or bushes. During dawn and dusk fishing they stand still at the water’s edge and wait to ambush prey. find near water bodies.

Black-headed Ibis

The bald head, the neck and legs are black. The thick down curved bill is dusky yellow. In breeding, plumage some slaty grey on scapulars and in wings and ornamental plumes at base of the neck. Sexes are similar. It occurs in marshy wetlands where it feeds on various fish, frog sand other water creatures. Also known as Oriental White Ibis.

Spot-billed Duck

These are mainly grey ducks with a paler head and neck and a black bill tipped bright yellow. The wings are whitish with black fligh feathers below, and from above show a white-bordered green speculum and white tertials. The male has a red spot on the base of the bill, which is absent or inconspicuous in the smaller but otherwise similar female. Juveniles are browner and duller than adults. Can be spotted at Sanjeeviah park, Hussain sagar and other water bodies.

Common coot

A black duck-like water bird can be seen swimming on open water or walking across waterside grasslands. can be spotted at Hussain sagar mostly in groups about 2-6.

Purple Moorhen

A waterside bird that lives on aquatic vegetation. Seen walking in groups on water-hyacinth covered lakes as they forage.

Pheasant-tailed Jacana

They have huge feet and claws which enable them to walk on floating vegetation in shallow lakes, their preferred habitat. The Pheasant-tailed Jacana is capable of swimming, although it usually walks on the vegetation. Can be spotted near water bodies of Nehru zoological park.

Red- wattled Lapwing

Lapwings are birds of open lands. The Red-wattled Lapwing is larger, and is usually seen close to water and has a distinctive ‘did-he-do-it’ alarm call. Can be easily spotted near lakes.

Yellow- wattled Lapwing

Yellow-wattled Lapwing has a ‘tee-yew’ call and is seen in drier areas. small grassy areas are good to spot yellow Yellow-wattled Lapwing.

White-breasted Waterhen

They are dark slaty birds with a clean white face, breast and belly. They are somewhat bolder than most other rails and are often seen stepping slowly with their tail cocked upright in open marshes or even drains near busy roads.

Pied Kingfisher

A Myna-sized kingfisher that hovers over water to find fish and drops into the water to catch its prey. Can be spotted near Ameenpur lake, Osman sagar.

Common Kingfisher

The Small Blue Kingfisher is just a little larger than a sparrow and is usually seen close to water. It flies with rapid wing-beats just above the water level. Lotus pond and other water bodies and park in the city.

White-breasted Kingfisher

The White-throated Kingfisher is myna sized and may be seen far away from water, perched on electric wires in open areas

Rock Dove

A very widespread bird, originally a resident of cliffs and has now adopted tall buildings all over the world. Many colour variants can be seen

Spotted Dove

A slim and long-tailed relative of the pigeon. This bird may be seen on wires, buildings or even on the ground. They often nest in gardens, building a thin platform of twigs inside a low bush or creeper.

Laughing Dove

This small long-tailed dove is found in dry scrub and semi-desert habitats where pairs can often be seen feeding on the ground. A rufous and black chequered necklace gives it a distinctive pattern and is also easily distinguished from other doves by its call.

Ring-neck Parakeet

this Parakeet is usually seen in flocks. Large flocks can be seen flying into the city to roost in the evenings. They visit fields and fruit gardens in and around the city during the day.

Blossom-headed Parakeet

These are slightly smaller than ring neck parakeet male birds have red coloured head and females have grey these are also known as plum headed parakeet.

Pied Cuckoo

This medium sized, slim black and white cuckoo with a crest is distinctive. The white wing patch on the black wing and the pattern make it unmistakable even in flight. Also known as Jacobin Cuckoo and Pied-crested Cuckoo.

Asian koel

This cuckoo is noisy during summer, when it breeds, by laying its egg in the nest of a House Crow. The female is speckled, while the male is glossy black and has ruby-red eyes.

Common Hawk-Cuckoo

The Common Hawk-Cuckoo is a medium- to large-sized cuckoo, about the size of a pigeon During their breeding season in summer males produce loud, repetitive three note calls that are well-rendered as brain-fever, the second note being longer and higher pitched. These notes rise to a crescendo before ending abruptly and repeat after a few minutes; the calling may go on through the day, well after dusk and before dawn.

Green Bee-eater

Usually seen in small groups perched on electric wires or fences. This bird can be seen sallying out, capturing insects on the wing and returning to beat the insect on the perch before eating them.

Spotted Owlet

The chuckling cackling call of this species can be heard at dusk and dawn. They roost by day in the hollows of trees and sometimes seen catching termites under streetlights. sanjeeviah park is good place to spot spotted owlet.

Greater Coucal

This is larger than a crow and is seen walking on the ground orflying
low with heavy wing beats. It has a low resonant ’coop-coop’ call. They are found in areas with good undergrowth.

Purple Sunbird

These birds are nectar-feeders are seen in parks and gardens with flowering trees and shrubs. females are dull olive green above and yellowish on the underside. Male birds are purple in colour.

Purple-rumped Sunbird

These are also nectar-feeders are seen in parks and gardens with flowering trees and shrubs. Females are dull olive brown male birds are with purple rump and yellowish belly.

Tickell’s Flowerpecker

It is dull olive brown with a pinkish bill. It is most commonly seen at fruit trees.

Red -vented bulbul

Commoner in the scrub areas on the gardens and backyards.

Common Myna

Mynas are birds of open areas and may be seen hunting insects on the ground. Brown coloured bird with yellow patch near the eye.

Brahminy Starling

Smaller than a Common Myna, this bird is seen in flocks near water. The loose cap of black feathers is distinctive.

Pied Myna

They are usually found in small groups mainly on the plains and low foothills. They are often seen within cities and villages although they are not as bold as the common myna.

House Crow

Widespread and common and are easily identified.

Black Drongo

A distinctive all black bird with a forked tail. This insectivorous bird is seen in open areas, sometimes accompanying grazing livestock.

Black Kite

The Black Kite is a widespread and common scavenger. and are easily identified in flight by the presence of forked tail.

Brahminy Kite

Brahminy Kite is usually seen close to water. Immature Brahminy Kites can look like Black Kites but lack a forked tail and have a lighter coloured beak. Ameenpur lake,Osman sagar.

Black-winged Kite

A crow-sized bird of prey that can be seen in open areas. Hovers low over the ground with shallow wing beats as it looks for prey. also known as Black-shoulder Kite. Can be spotted near woody areas sometimes in cities on wires.

House Sparrow

This bird is closely associated with humans and is usually seen nesting in crevices on buildings. The female is duller and lacks the black throat patch.

Coppersmith Barbet

These are stout-billed fruit-eating birds that chisel out tree trunks to construct their nest holes. Coppersmith Barbet is named after its repeated single note ‘tonk’ call resembling a hammer being periodically struck on metal.

Common Hoopoe

A brightly patterned bird of open areas usually seen walking on the ground. It nests in tree hollows and is named after its low ‘hoo-poo-poo’ call.

Indian roller

A fairly common crow-sized seen perched on electric wires and posts in open areas. In flight, it reveals several shades of blue and ultramarine.


This pigeon-sized bird is the commonest hawk. It has short rounded wings and flies with fast wing beats alternated with short glides. It preys on lizards, squirrels and small birds.

House Swift

A small bird that spends most of its time flying, gliding and whirling in small flocks high in the air. The tail is square ended and the white rump is distinctive.

Red-rumped Swallow

Another bird that is found in the air most of the time and only rarely seen perched on a wire. This small, agile flier can be identified by its forked tail as it flies low over open areas to catch flying insects.

Barn Swallow

Bird with blue upperparts, a long, deeply forked tail and curved, pointed wings. Sometimes seen on wires, fliying over water.

Large Pied Wagtail

A distinctive black and white bird that is seen sitting on or calling from a top water tanks and rooftops. Wags its tail up and down as it walks or runs about catching insects. Also known as white browed wagtail.

Pied Bushchat

A sparrow-sized bird seen sitting on top of a bush in dry open grassland and rocky areas. Looking out for insect prey. They pick up insects mainly from the ground. The female is brownish. The Bushchat nests in hollows in rocks and walls.

Indian Robin

Presence of reddish vent is distinctive in the Indian Robin. The Indian Robin is usually seen in dry, rocky and open areas male birds are darker in colour with white patch on it’s wings females are brownish.

Oriental Magpie Robin

Size is similar to Indian robin these birds can be seen in urban gardens as well as forests. They are distinctive black and white birds with a long tail that is held upright as they forage on the ground or perch conspicuously.

Common Babbler

The species is distinctly long-tailed, slim with an overall brown or greyish colour, streaked on the upper plumage and having a distinctive whitish throat. Like most other babblers, the Common Babbler is found in small parties of 6 to10. They are vociferous, moving on the ground often with members keeping watch from the tops of bushes. can be spotted at KBR national park.

Ashy Prinia

Prinia is commoner in residential in urban gardens and farmland in many parts of India and its small size areas distinctive colours and upright Tail make it easy to identify.

Common Tailorbird

Common resident in urban gardens. Although shy birds that are usually hidden within vegetation, their loud calls are familiar and give away their presence. They are distinctive in having a greenish upper body plumage, long upright tail and the rust coloured forehead and crown.

Rosy Starling

The Rosy Starling is a colonial breeder, and like other starlings, is highly gregarious, forming large winter flocks. It also shares other species’ omnivorous diet, although it prefers insects. Seen in groups about 30-200 or more.

Indian Golden Oriole

The male has the black eye stripe extending behind the eye, a large carpal patch on the wing and wide yellow tips to the secondaries and tertiaries. streaks are seen on the underside of females. Orioles feed on fruits, nectar and insects. They are capable of dispersing the seeds of many berry-bearing plants.

Common Iora

A species found in scrub, forest and gardens it is easily detected from its loud whistles and the bright colours. During the breeding season, males display by fluffing up their feathers and spiral in the air appearing like a green, black, yellow and white ball.

Tickell’s Blue Flycatcher

They are blue on the upperparts and the throat and breast are rufous. They are found in dense scrub to forest habitats. Can be spotted at Mrugavani national park, KBR national park areas

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