Flowers Name

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flowers name – List of a flowers name in Hindi and flowers name in English with picture , phoolon ke naam

what is a flowers ?

Flower is a colourful and beautiful part of a plant. It generally has a pleasant fragrance. Most flowers have attractive colours. Some flowers do not have attractive colours but have very pleasant fragrance. For example, champa, motia and chameli are some of such fragrant flowers.

flowers name

100 Flowers name in Hindi and English with Picture , phoolon ke naam , all flowers name

10 flowers name

flowers Name in Englishflowers Name in Hindiflowers images
Scarlet Milkweedकाकतुण्डी
Hibiscusगुड़हल का फूल
Blue Water lilyनीलकमल

40 Flowers Name

40 flowers Name in English40 flowers Name in Hindiflowers images
Touch me notछुई मुई
Balsamगुल मेहँदी
Tulipकन्द पुष्प
Cobra Saffronनाग चम्पा
Golden Shower Flowerअमलतास
Red lotusलाल कमल
Butterfly Peaअपराजिता
Star Jasmineकुंद पुष्प
Night Blooming Jasmineरात की रानी
White Frangipaniगुलैन्ची
Peacock Flowerगुलेतूरा फूल
Lavenderलैवेंडर के फूल
Egyptian lotusमिस्र का कमल
Aloe Vera Flowerघृत कुमारी
orange jasmineऑरेंज जैस्मीन
Creeper Flowersमधु मालती
Foxtail Orchidद्रौपदी माला
Bluestar Flowerअसोनिया
Monsoon lilyसफ़ेद मुस्ली
Siroi Lilyसिरोय कुमुदिनी
Common Crape Myrtleसावनी
Cockscomb Flowerलाल मुर्ग़ा
Mexican Tuberoseरजनीगन्धा
Brahma Kamalब्रह्मकमल
Millingtonia Hortensisनीम चमेली
Zombi Peaजंगली मूंग
Indian Tulipपारस पीपल
Primroseबसन्ती गुलाब
Butea Monospermaपलाश के फुल
Poppy Flowerखसखस

15 Flowers Name

flowers Name in Englishflowers Name in Hindiflowers images
Forest Ghostआँकुरी बाँकुरी
Jasminum Sambacमोगरा
Yellow Marigoldगेंदे का फूल
Crape Jasmineचांदनी फूल
Yellow Oleanderपीला कनेर
Puncture Vineगोखरू
Pot Marigoldगुले अशर्फ़ी
Chamomileबबुने का फुल
Hiptageमाधवी पुष्प
Stramoniumसफ़ेद धतुरा

20 Flowers Name

flowers Name in Englishflowers Name in Hindiflowers images
Purple Passionझुमका लता
Black Turmericकाली हल्दी
Grand Crinum Lilyनागदमनी
Prickly Pearनागफनी
Sweet Violetबनफशा का फूल
Lady’s slipper orchidआर्किड फूल
Delonix Regiaगुलमोहर
Night Flowering Jasmineहरसिंगार
Star Gloryकामलता फूल
Indigo Flowerनील फूल
Queen Crape Myrtleजरुल
Blue Morning Gloryप्रातः श्री
Picotee Blue Morning Gloryपॉटोटी ब्लू मॉर्निंग ग्लोरी
Tanner’s Cassiaतरवड़
Burr Mallowबिचता
Burmann’s Sundewमुखजली
Glory Lilyबचनाग

50 Flowers Name

flowers Name in Englishflowers Name in Hindiflowers images
Mountain Laurelमाउंटेन लॉरेल
Spanish Cherryमौलश्री का पुष्प
Showy Rattlepodसन्नी
Canna Lilyसर्वज्जय
Ixora Coccineaरुग्मिनी
Common Lantanaराईमुनिया
Ashok Flowerसीता अशोक
Blue Fountain Bushभरंगी
Golden Frangipaniसोन चम्पा
Mexican Prickly Poppyसत्यानाशी
Crownसफ़ैद आक
Blood Lilyरक्त लिली
Orange Tiger Lilyनारंगी बाघ लिली
Asiatic Lilyलिलि
Ranunculus Flowerरनंगक्यलस फूल
Columbine Flowerकालंबिन फूल
Anemone Flowerरत्नज्योति फूल
Hypericum flowerहाइपेरिकम फूल
Tuberose Flowerकंद फूल
Bluebell flowerनीला फूल
Mirabilis Jalapaमिराबिलिस जालपा
Plumeriaकंद फूल
asterतारक का फूल
baby’ breath.बेबी सांस फूल
blue-Eyed grassनीली आंखों वाली घास
camelliaकमीलया फूल
clematisक्लेमाटिस फूल
goat’s rueबकरी का दाना
hybrid crinumनागदमनी
lrisआँख की पुतली
indian caneभारतीय बेंत
lvyआइवी लता
ixora coccineaरुग्मिनी
japan roseजापान गुलाब
jamaica plumजमैका प्लम

Buds of different flowers

Flowers have different shapes and sizes. Some flowers are like a bell, some are like a plate or a bowl and some are like a brush. Some flowers bloom singly whereas others bloom in bunches. Flowers make fruits. Most of the fruits bear seeds. These seeds, in turn, can grow into more plants.

Seasonal Flowers

We see different flowers in different seasons. In summer, you must have seen chameli, motia, sada-bahar, china rose and lily flowers blooming in gardens. In winter, dahlia, rose and chrysanthmum are some of the commonly seen flowers.

What is a flowers ?

Flower is a colourful and beautiful part of a plant. It generally has a pleasant fragrance. Most flowers have attractive colours. Some flowers do not have attractive colours but have very pleasant fragrance. For example, champa, motia and chameli are some of such fragrant flowers.

Uses of Flowers ?

In our day-to-day life, we use flowers in different ways:
Some flowers have a very pleasant fragrance. These are used for making perfumes. Rose, jasmine, keora and lavender are some of such flowers.
Some flowers can be cooked and eaten like a vegetable. Kachnar, banana and sahjan flowers are eaten as vegetables in many parts of India.
Some flowers are used as medicines. Cloves are the dried flower buds from the clove plants. The oil, extracted from cloves, is used as a medicine. Similarly, lotion made from arnica flower, is used to cure wounds and injuries. Rose water is used as a medicine and also for adding flavour to sweets and drinks.
Flowers, are also used in preparing cosmetics.
Flowers, like marigold and zenia are used for making colours. These colours are then used to dye clothes.
Flowers are often used for decoration purposes.

Vegetables Name

Fruits Name

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Dry Fruits Name

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